Last week's club action saw two bunch sprints taken with small gaps by classy winners Bryan Geary and Owen O'Flaherty. 

While the rain threatened for much of the evening, it thankfully held off for the duration of the races, with the skies only spitting occasionally.

The Scratch groups were sent off together, and with previous Brittas winner Eric Downey on marshalling duty, the race was wide open. Continous aggressive moves by the likes of Barry Dace and Bryan Geary were inevitably reeled back in, and the final move by Dick O'Brien and Aidan Collins was caught at the bottom of the finishing ramp.

It was all together for the run-in to the line then, with Liam Rowsome setting the pace at the head of the bunch on the final ascent. Despite his earlier efforts, Geary still had the legs to attack from a few wheels back, quickly followed by another Corkagh Park winner, David Halpin.

The Cork-born former cat 1 rider has only recently joined Orwell, but his sprint has become quickly feared in the club ranks. He held out for the win at Brittas, marking his second victory in the league and earning his upgrade to the top tier of Scratch. We expect to see his gallop unleashed in Mondello shortly, and he'll hopefully be first to the line once more!

Geary taking the win

With Halpin in 2nd, Rowsome used his strongman abilities to push off the front and take 3rd, with Brian McArdle just behind him in 4th. 5th went to evergreen Stephen McNally, having only just joined the league, while another newcomer, Bernie Lawless, took the final placing.

Aidan Collins and Brian McNally were also in the mix, the pair had both suffered mechanicals and dropped a lap and were discounted from the results. However, they showcased great sprinting and positioning - McNally pipping Lawless to the line despite the latter's professional lunge.

The sprint for 6th, lost by the man who placed 6th

The limit race played out similarly, with Seamus Nolan, Colum Bradley, Ken O'Neill and Owen O'Flaherty responsible for several attacks throughout. O'Neill stayed away for a full lap solo, but the bunch never let the elastic snap, and he was drawn back in for the final dash to the line.

The constant aggression shown by the Semi-limit riders softened up the pack in the last few hundred metres, and both O'Flaherty and O'Neill were able to pass dozens to get up in the placings. It was O'Flaherty who took the overall in style, arms aloft and roaring with joy. He stated afterwards it was Semi-limit's revenge after not catching Limit in the previous crit round.

O'Neill took a fine 4th behind Julian Moore and Malcom Garland. Two Limit racers took the final points - Daniel McElroy and the young Niall Kieran. Greg O'Donnell came down on loose surface just before the line - a long way to fall from his previous outstanding outing, but was only treated for road rash and minor cuts.

O'Flaherty celebrating on the line

Another road race for next week, taking place northside at Black Bull, details on the forum now.


Orwell League R8: Brittas Road Race (22/5/2014)

Race #1 (SS/S)
1 Bryan Geary (SS)
2 David Halpin (S)
3 Liam Rowsome (S)
4 Brian McArdle (S)
5 Stephen McNally (SS)
6 Brendan Lawless (SS)

Race #2 (L/SL)
1 Owen O'Flaherty (SL)
2 Julian Moore (SL)
3 Malcolm Garland (L)
4 Ken O'Neill (SL)
5 Daniel McElroy (L)
6 Niall Kieran (L)