The government has placed the entire country on Level 5 lockdown commencing midnight Wednesday 30th of December 2020. For at least the month of January we are all being asked to play our part in reversing the progress of the Covid pandemic that is impacting each of us and our families at the moment. In support of the national interest Orwell Wheelers is suspending all club training, events, spins and social activities until further notice.

The Government has introduced revised restrictions that come into effect from midnight December 26th. These replace the guidelines that had already been communicated for the Christmas period this year.  (Updated 22-12-20)

Restrictions on travel around the country are eased from December 18th with people being allowed to travel outside their county until 6 January. During this period all the above guidelines stand however cycling outside county limits is permitted.

Many thanks to everyone in the club who supported the restrictions. As a club, we need to ensure that we maintain the focus and commitment that members have displayed to ensure that we continue to enjoy cycling in a safe and healthy manner. Everyone’s efforts to cycle safely in line with the letter and spirit of Government, Sport Ireland and Cycling Ireland guidelines are very much appreciated.

For those who missed the annual AGM read on for the Presidents Address to the club

The government has placed the entire country on Level 5 lockdown for the next 6 weeks. Commencing midnight Wednesday 21st of October for a six week period we are all being asked to play our part in reversing the progress of the Covid pandemic that is impacting each of us and our families at the moment. In support of the national interest Orwell Wheelers is suspending all club training, events, spins and social activities until further notice with one exception.

From midnight Friday, the 18th of Sept for a 3 week period the government have placed Dublin on Level 3 guidelines with some additional conditions. In addition to adhering to the Level 3 guidelines, people from Dublin have been asked to stay within our region and keep the number of people we meet to a minimum. This impacts club cycling in a number of ways: