Update 20th Nov: Due to technical issues that were encountered by Cycling Ireland on the day in which the website opened for membership it is not possible at the moment to combine the processing of club membership with the CI membership.

Current and future members can apply for or renew their Cycling Ireland membership as normal on the CI site (which will insure you while out on club spins), while we are currently looking at the options for the club membership. We will have an update in the coming days as to the plans.

Any questions please feel free to contact Membership Secretary.

Not long to go now... so here is just some last minute information from social rep Ann Horan on the weekend away to Nenagh.

Eileen Byrne has put together a fantastic reel of season highlights for the club from some of our photos and videos - have a watch below!

With the AGM tonight, it's a perfect time to flick back through the end-of-season prize-giving. With plenty of photos thanks to Valdis Andersons, have a read through below!

A week ago yesterday, many of us participated in probably the single biggest gathering of Orwell members in one place in the club's history. The goal was to raise as much funds as possible for our friend and clubmate Keith Harte. We're very happy to report the amount raised was far beyond our wildest expectations, and a testament to everyone who took part.

It deeply saddens us to report the sudden passing of our beautiful friend and clubmate, Patrick O'Brien, yesterday afternoon.

Pat was not just a talent on the bike, but an ever-giving and constantly positive presence off it. Winner of the 2014 Orwell League, a man of the Rás and a manager of the Rás, he was always ready to help out and assist, to give his time, knowledge and encouragement to others, and he will be very much missed by all of us.

Our condolences to his friends and family at this difficult time, particularly his fiancé Eileen. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam.