Winter Spins will be starting up again on the 23 rd of October, and therefore it is time for the annual roster of leaders and dispatchers to be published as well.

Please look at it and make a diary note of the dates you are scheduled for. All persons on the list voluntarily offered their services which were much appreciated.

Colm Featherstone is organising the Winter Spin Leader roster and is looking for volunteers....

Due to incredible demand on the time of staff at Joe Daly Cycles, we are implementing a new system for trying on kit. Kit purchasing will be updated after.

Last of the summer wine. With a new system coming in 2017, the way kit is purchased will be changed in Orwell. Now is the time to get kit either winter or summer, more details here....

Now that the cycling season is drawing to a close it's time to start thinking of winter training/drinking plans. Social Rep Ann Horan can now reveal the destination of the much anticipated Orwell winter weekend away.

The annual club BBQ will take place on Saturday 23rd July in Pembroke cricket club at 2pm. Orwell Social Rep Ann Horan organises a fine feast....