Covid-19 Pre Christmas-Restrictions December 18th Update

3 years 9 months ago - 3 years 9 months ago #34159 by Eamonn Eaton
Covid-19 Pre Christmas-Restrictions Update

Over the next few weeks, the Government has introduced a phased easing of restrictions aimed at helping us all ‘have a meaningful Christmas, albeit different to other years’.

As these relaxed restrictions come into operation commencing Tuesday, December 1st allowing increased participation in sport again, there are a number of factors we need to keep in mind.

We are all being asked to:

· Plan ahead – think carefully when meeting up with others to participate in sport to ensure all hygiene and safety protocols are adhered to and that meeting points and routes are chosen to facilitate social distancing.

· Every contact counts – limit the number you meet. Think about pod size and consistency to limit contacts and do not mix or change groups during cycles or at coffee stops.

From December 1st:

· Participation in sport – training & events is allowed.

· Our normal club guideline is that a maximum of 12 people can cycle together in a group however during the pandemic this has been revised to 8 cyclists in a pod help reduce the number of potential contacts during a training spin.

Members participating on club spins must have completed the Eventbrite Registration / Declaration. This is a mandatory step for everyone returning to sport agreed with Government by Sport and Cycling Ireland.

· When stopped everyone must adhere to the 2-meter rule, social distance at all times, and follow proper hand and equipment hygiene. Stopped includes: meeting up before spins, punctures & mechanicals, coffee stops, photographs, end of spins.

· The current guidelines from Sport Ireland and Cycling Ireland state that there should be no sharing of equipment. This includes fixing punctures, tyre levers, pumps, holding each other’s bikes, etc. Where equipment sharing cannot be avoided then it must be sanitised before and after use. During the repair 2M social distance must be maintained.

· Remember to wear a mask in non-cycling situations, while stopped or entering a shop or café or in any close contact situation.

· Social events before, during, or after sport are prohibited. Where a coffee/food stop is required on a long spin then strict social distancing must be maintained at all times.

· Take away coffee stops only from Tuesday 1st of December

From December 4th:

· Cafes open from December 4th with a maximum of 6 per table. Adhere to all café guidelines and regulations however outdoor seating is recommended.

Club members over 70 years of age are advised to exercise judgment in engaging in group activities outside the home.

From December 18th:

Restrictions on travel around the country are eased from December 18th with people being allowed to travel outside their county until 6 January. During this period all the above guidelines stand however cycling outside county limits is permitted.

Many thanks to everyone in the club who supported the Level 5 restrictions. As a club, we need to ensure that we maintain the focus and commitment that members have displayed to ensure that we continue to enjoy cycling in a safe and healthy manner. Everyone’s efforts to cycle safely in line with the letter and spirit of Government, Sport Ireland and Cycling Ireland guidelines are very much appreciated.

The Covid-19 Committee
Last edit: 3 years 9 months ago by Eamonn Eaton.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Louise Keane, Leonard Kaye, Tom Crotty, George Flanagan, Claire Maher, Peter McGrath, James Brennan

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