Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)

9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #8820 by Stephen Ryan
Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb) was created by Stephen Ryan
It was decided to run a Reliability Trial as part of the Winterspins. It is a little different from the pre racing season one that DaveMc ran last year as it is designed to cater for all winterspin groups. It will be run on Sunday week, the 22nd.

The basic elements are there
- there is a defined course
- course to be completed in as close to target time as possible
- winning team is the one who gets back to Joes closest to 13:00 - there are no prizes , just pride and bragging rights.

Last years details are here - and below

This year
Sign on required and is open from 15-5 minutes before departure
The average speeds are based on the winterspins posted speeds for all groups
White and Yellow groups have a coffee stop built in , but you have to get in and out on time - testing the full range of your skills. Coffee stop is optional for Oranges.
There will be sign on and controls (checkpoints) - we'll post them here once we've found a coffee stop in Delgany - suggestions welcomed. Plan B will be Greystones.
Groups will be normal sized ie, 12-16ish depending on number of participants
White and Yellow are self led - there are no designated leaders - but obviously someone needs to keep an eye on the time and speed and knows the route.

If a racing group wants to take up Dave's challenge from last last year - average 35kph - the route is on the website and in the linked post above. May I suggest you head off at 8.45 ? That gets you back c. 11.30 . If you want to target the 13:00 arrival with the other groups you would need to be leaving at 10:15.

If you have any questions please post here
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Stephen Ryan.

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #8821 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
From 2014

In lieu of a pre-season club league race we will be running a reliability trial this Sunday (the 23rd). While this is aimed first and foremost at the club racers, it will be open to all club members who are interested and feel they will be up to the challenge.

Sign-on in Joe Dalys from 8:15 to 9:00 on Sunday morning.
Start time 9:00 sharp.
Cost: free to all club members.
Route map on Mapmyride.

So what is it? It is a timed cycle over a course of just under 100 kilometres, wherein participants choose their target pace beforehand and then work with their group to get around the course within their time targets.

So how is it any different to a regular Sunday spin?There are a few differences, but the biggest one will be the pace- the target speeds for the groups are 35Km/h and 30Km/h. The point isn't to get around as fast as you possibly can, but to work smoothly with your group to get in as close to your target time as possible. It's training for riding in a racing group, at 80% of race pace, both to give newcomers some experience in a safer, more controlled environment than jumping straight in at the deep end in their first race, and to give everyone else a chance to blow the cobwebs off before their first race.

Is it a race or is it not then?No, this isn't a race. It will be run at not too far from race pace, but the aim is to work with the group and get around as close to the appointed time as possible. There are no winners or placings, just a group that either hits the target or doesn't.

What if I'm struggling to ride through in my group?Just as you would in a race, skip a few turns at the back, to give yourself a chance to recover before you blow. If the group is riding too hard don't be shy about shouting "steady!". Communication is the key to keeping any group working well together, whether it's a break in an open race, limit group in the club league, or even a Sunday morning orange group- there's always someone who will be pushing the pace, so call steady before they become a problem, rather than waiting til the group is scattered along the road.

What about food and drink?There will be a chance to refill bottles at about the 50k mark, but you should fuel up well beforehand and bring food to see you through the distance. Riding at a higher pace than you are used to you'll need to keep fueled up throughout- the best thing to do here is eat small amounts regularly when you find yourself at the back of the group.

Should I prepare any differently to a normal Sunday spin?Other than fueling up well beforehand, the biggest difference will be how you should dress- ideally you would dress lighter than usual, with armwarmers/ legwarmers/ gilet that can come up/ down/ off as the situation requires. If you want to dress up warm for the morning kit can be left in the shop at the start and collected at the finish.

Do the usual rules of group ettiquette apply?Absolutely, more so than ever. With people under pressure it is very important to keep the group tidy and working well together. Call the holes, call last man, don't half wheel, don't switch or any other form of bad behaviour.

What if I have a mechanical or get dropped?That's where the reliability part of the name comes from- it's up to you to get yourself around. Keep on rolling if you can, feel free to drop into the group behind if there is one (just don't mess it up for them though), but if you find yourself unable to continue there will be a broomwagon with mechanical support following the last group.
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Stephen Ryan.

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9 years 7 months ago #8823 by Paul Kane
Replied by Paul Kane on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)

There will be sign on and controls (checkpoints) - we'll post them here once we've found a coffee stop in Delgany - suggestions welcomed. Plan B will be Greystones.

This is the only place for coffee in Delgany:
Stopped there on a couple of Sunday spins this year, very tasty pastries
The following user(s) said Thank You: Stephen Ryan

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9 years 7 months ago #8827 by Diarmuid Donnelly
Replied by Diarmuid Donnelly on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
So will there be a 30 km/h red group in any case, regardless of if there is a 35 km/h racing red?


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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #8830 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Yes - the 30k red group has this route which is 118k with (apparently) 1521m of climbing.
Its a lumpy course and there is a spike on the way back - up Red Lane - but its not out and out climbing .
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Stephen Ryan.

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9 years 7 months ago #8838 by Luke GJ Potter
Replied by Luke GJ Potter on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Is there any unwritten rule against using the "ETA at Destination" field on the Garmin?

Orange Group this past Sunday loved the Garmin Course navigation. :P

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #8840 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Hi Luke

As Malcolm X might have put it "by any means necessary"

Although , in truth it was John Paul Sartre who first wrote

I was not the one to invent lies: they were created in a society divided by class and each of us inherited lies when we were born. It is not by refusing to lie that we will abolish lies: it is by eradicating class by any means necessary.
—Jean-Paul Sartre, Dirty Hands: act 5, scene 3. 1963

Me, I don't use a garmin.

Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Stephen Ryan.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Luke GJ Potter

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9 years 7 months ago #8882 by Diarmuid Donnelly
Replied by Diarmuid Donnelly on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Regarding the Red route - targeted for 30km/h average - this route is 118k with 1500m of climbing. The corresponding route last year was 97km with 1000m of climbing - a significant difference in the climbing factor.

Doing a few sums on my fingers (with help from Strava) I reckon that based on current red spin pace, this will take at least 4h15m with no stops, maybe 4h30m would be more likely. (My estimates may be off, so feel free to improve them ).

I'm wondering if we should relax the target to 28km/h which would give a time of about 4h13m. If my sums are correct, that would still require a pace of about 33-35km/h on the flat.

Any thoughts?

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9 years 7 months ago - 9 years 7 months ago #8891 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
We have no problem if the non racing red wants to tone down the average speed. the aim is to be back in Dundrum at 13:00 so if you want to leave at 8.45 or 8.30 that's ok . However as of now , there is no concensus that people want to do that. so unless there are plenty of posts below , the non racing red will depart at 09:00 - .

I have seen nothing on this forum or a4/a3 mailing lists so don't know if the racing groups are going out.

Control points - much and all as we believe people and with strava it gets even easier , there are controls on each of the routes . You will need to let the person there know that you have passed if you want to get your name on the wall of fame.

White - control is Fishers in NMKY after 36k , so you should be there c. 11.15 . John Kehoe will be waiting for you

Yellow - control is the Applegreen in Rathnew where your Directeur Sportive Colm Featherstone awaits NB - he has asked that you be reminded - departure is 09:20 on the button , no waiting

Orange - Jules will be waiting at the entrance to Blainroe Gold Course on the R750

Red - 1st control is at the turn for Cornagower Park , south of Brittas Bay where I'll be waiting. 2nd is at the turn for Red Lane at Kilmac. - An option would be to remove this spike from the route- takes some of the fun away as you have a pretty fast return to Dundrum once its over - but if its too much, please post below.

There are no controls on the racing route
Last edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Stephen Ryan.

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9 years 7 months ago #8902 by Adrian Donnellan
Replied by Adrian Donnellan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Hi Stephen,

I wws planning to join the white group for the first time this Sunday. The speed for the trial doesn't phase me but I have no experience of formally riding in a group. Is this suitable for me at this stage or should I skip it and turn up the weekend after?


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9 years 7 months ago #8903 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Hi Adrian,

I hate to turn anyone away from a spin but I think you should hang on one more week. There will be leaders out with the groups the following week who will be able to make sure you settle in . Next Sunday is more aimed at the groups who have been cycling since October to see how they have come along.

Thanks for checking.


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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #8919 by Jules De Meester
Replied by Jules De Meester on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Let me start by quoting rule #9:
If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.

So anybody in the Orange group today well done! I would take my hat off If my hands weren't frozen.

The good news is we made it back well before 13:00, with an average of 26.4 (source: Peters G. Strava) The bad news is that due to weather conditions we cut it short by about 20KM.

We started of working well together, but let's say some riders are more of the Flandrian type then others.

Well done to all in the group and for all the riders that stayed at home, I can only point to rule #5 !

Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Jules De Meester.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Eugène SKIL

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #8920 by Jules De Meester
Replied by Jules De Meester on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Since I didn't get all the names, I will post a video later and we might be able to see who is there...
But the ones I know were there till the end (with a little help from Strava):
Peter G., Eamon, Gerry, Alex L, James O'C, Stephen R, Martin K., Barry M.
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Jules De Meester.

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9 years 6 months ago - 9 years 6 months ago #8922 by Stephen Ryan
Replied by Stephen Ryan on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
the WHITE group is officially the most reliable bunch of cyclists in the club .

On a wet, windy , rainy day - almost 50 people signed on the reliability trial run over various distances from 60k to 120k. With a target to arrive back in Dundrum at 13:00 , the winning WHITE team having completed their course and coffee arrived back at 13:10 - fabulously close given the weather conditions.

Winning team was Joe Fitzpatrick , John O'Brien, Maeve O'Donnell, Idris Naji, Martyn Donohoe, Stephen Quick and John Kehoe . Emer Fitzpatrick started but unfortunately had to pull out early on

Merely 4 Minutes behind was the non puncture YELLOW Grouo , followed 6 minutes after that by the punctured yellow group. Captain Colm F was delighted with the team of Martin Bolsinger, Colin Coffey, Michael Staines, Gerry Kieran, Derek Handley, Noel Finnegan, Brian Carolan, Peter Walsh, Mike Harper, Robert Gahan, Pascal Comerford, Rodney Phelan and Adrian Gallagher + 1 or 2 more who mustn't have signed on

The Red Sportive Group hadn't finished by the time I left at 1.45 but I can confirm they made it to the most Southern point on their route , below Brittas Bay and last I saw them they were at the Beehive on the way back up. [ update : Greg's strava showing the full course including Red Lane ] Bravo then to Greg O'Donnell, Matt Williams, David Collins and Mervyn Bent. The Hardest Men on the road today. Good effort but not quite at Red pace today from Daniel McElroy - see note below.

The Racing Group took a shorter route and averaged c. 29.3 kph. well done to Paul Perry, Freddie Stevens, Garry Blair, Ken O'Neill, Jamie Busher, Jules Cantwell and James Crisp

As for the Oranges- fair play for getting out there - however I think on balance you came fifth, turning at Rathnew doesn't even cover the Yellow course. Well done Jules de Meester, Martin Kearney, Eamonn Eaton, Gerry Coffey, John Connolly, Stephen Rowan, Seamus Heffernan, Tony Walsh, Peter Grealis, James O'Callaghan, Fintan Keatinge, Glen Ward, Barry Mooney, John McElligott, Alex Lalor and Rob Monaghan

Well done to all , hope you enjoyed the spin.
Last edit: 9 years 6 months ago by Stephen Ryan.
The following user(s) said Thank You: John Kehoe

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9 years 6 months ago #8923 by Daniel McElroy
Replied by Daniel McElroy on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)

The Red Sportive Group hadn't finished by the time I left at 1.45 but I can confirm they made it to the most Southern point on their route , below Brittas Bay and last I saw them they were at the Beehive on the way back up. Bravo then to Greg O'Donnell, Matt Williams, Daniel McElroy, David Collins and Mervyn Bent. The Hardest Men on the road today.


Fair play to the rest of the reds for completing the course, really tough day for it. I definitely chose the wrong group today and was struggling before Greystones. Turned at Hunter's Hotel and back via Enniskerry so maybe that means my team of one came 6th?

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9 years 6 months ago #8928 by John Anslow
Replied by John Anslow on topic Reliability Trial 2015 (winterspins 22nd Feb)
Well done all who braved Sunday, luckily I had a legitimate excuse...

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