The Irish Hospice Foundation is running two cycle events this year to help raise funds for the IHF. Dublin to Paris is run from the 18th-23rd of July and Paris to Geneva is run from the 24th-29th of July.

A Women's Cycling Weekend/Training Camp will be held in Mullingar on the weekend of the 27th-28th of March 2010.

The Orwell Wheelers website has undergone a bit of a revision, including a new Member Forum. I bet you hardly noticed.

Congratulations to Orla Hendron who was elected to the board of Cycling Ireland at last weekend's CI AGM in Cavan.

The Inter-Club League Christmas race provided one or two notable performances, not least from 14-year-old Craig Arrigan.

A membership with Orwell Wheelers is necessary if you want to ride with the club. Membership forms can be mailed to the club.

4th July 2009

Top of Coomakisat Pass

John Twomey trying to find Aurora's slipstream

At the finish: John L., Aurora, John T.,Brendan, John H. and the future of Irish cycling: Stephen

Dungarvan, Co. Waterford
Sunday 30th August 2009

Went on the Sean Kelly Tour of Waterford on the weekend. I headed off on the Saturday to spend the night in a B agus B as the start time was listed as 8:30am Sunday. Woke up at an ungodly hour to be ready for the start. The weather was threateningly overcast but calm and quite warm.

There were 3 rides to choose from: 50km, 100km and 160km. The 100 and 160 followed the same route at the

Dave Tansey is currently taking orders for club winter clothing. As we are planning to completely change the kit design for 2011 we will not be ordering any extra stock this time round, so if you want some of the winter gear it is by order only. This order is for winter clothing only. Orders for the summer kit will be taken at the membership meeting in January.

Order form

Completed forms and deposits should be dropped in to Dave at Joe Daly's by 31st October at the latest.

Stephen Surdival was kicking himself after Saturday's Monie Nolan Memorial race in Balscadden for not launching a late attack, Orwell's pocket rocket having to settle for a nonetheless highly creditable second place behind Tim O'Regan.