The Orwell website has had a bit of an overhaul. It has been rewritten in Joomla, a content management system that allows members of the club who have been assigned privileges the opportunity to post their own articles. This will stop the problem of having one person responsible for posting all new website content. 

I've transferred most of the old content onto the new website, but not all of it. Over the next few weeks I will continue to add any pages that I've missed from the old site.

I've tried to match as closely as possible the style of the old website so that the new site will be easily understandable and navigable. I developed this in Firefox but tested it in IE as well, in a number of different resolutions. I'm sure though that it will look like a dog's arse in whatever bespoke beta version browser you have chosen to install. Let me know of any major problems and I will try to address them.

The Member Forum is a new addition to the site. Members will shortly be sent a link to allow them to post to the forum. I'll be working my way through the list of 2010 members in the next day or so. You will receive an email which will let you log into the site. I strongly suggest that you change your password as soon as you receive this email. I'll be making up silly temporary passwords for you that mean something to me but will be hard for you to remember. To change your password, go to the login form on the Member Forum page, log out (if you are logged in) and click on the link that says, 'Forgot your password?'. Follow the instructions and an email will be sent to your email address that will allow you to reset your password. Do not use the password 'password' or 'orwell' or 'bicycle'. You will be hacked. Try to use a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Make it at least a challenge for someone to assume your identity and post porn. Please read the Rules section on the Forum page.

In the short term, there will probably be a few growing pains as we get used to the new set-up. Be patient. Feel free to post suggestions or comments in the forum on ways to continue to improve the site. Hopefully, this is a move in the right direction and a site worthy of the largest cycling club in Ireland.