The underage groups are up and running a few weeks now and we are delighted to see many new faces as well as some familiar ones.

The Juniors (16-17) have begun road spins and last year’s leading junior rider Conor Murnane is passing on his experience. This group will be following a training program devised by Dave McLoughlin which should both challenge and reward them . If you know anyone who might be interested in joining this group please have them contact Dave at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The youths (6-15) have been out at Corkagh park most weeks , learning their skills and having some fun. Uisneach Sheridan and Andrew Ryan are in flying form knocking time off their PBs in the one lap time trial, Lorcan Cattle and newcomer Emmett Quinn are pushing each other hard in the scratch races while at the youngest end of the age range five year old Keela Coffey has joined in for some of the competitions and has proved almost unbeatable at "Sumo" where the aim is to be the last person left in an ever decreasing circle and you can’t put your feet down.

The schedule for the rest of October & November looks like this:

October 18th – Gerry Brannigan Cycle – Clonee – we will take groups out on the 35k and 80k routes depending on age and ability. They will be accompanied by our leaders. Children should be comfortable on the road and with the distances. Please check with Jen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.

October 25th – We will start at Corkagh Park. The youngest group will probably stay there but the older ones will go for a spin along the canal cycle path and possibly further afield.

November 1st – meeting at Joe Daly’s in Dundrum for a spin from there.

November 8th – club weekend away and no spin.

November 15th – on the track at Sundrive Park on your normal bike.

November 22nd – At Corkagh Park where guest coach Aidan Hammond will be on hand. We are hoping to have some guests from the Willow Wheelers 1st year group along on this day.

November 29th – sees us on the BMX track in Lucan.

Further details on the Youths can be found at

Photos thanks to Valdis Andersons