Thanks to Ciara Ní Fhlathartaigh for this write up on Round 1 of the Womens League

Ciara getting the countdown. Photo courtesy of John Hammer.

Last Tuesday saw the opening round of the Orwell Women's Beginner League with a superb turnout of 39 ladies from 15 different clubs represented to contest the 10 Mile TT. The weather Gods were kind and organised an evening with no rain – but just in case that was too easy provided a fierce headwind on the outward leg to contend with! 


A mere 24 seconds separated the top 3 riders with victory taken by Jennifer Bates of Clondalkin CC with a time of 25:48. Hot on her heels (or wheels!) was Catherine McAteer from Garda CC at 25:58 with Katie Earlie from St. Tiernan’s rounding out the top 3 places at 26:12.

4th place went to Orla Walsh with a time of 26:47 – closely followed by Roisin Kennedy of Arcane Cycling Team at 26:53 and completing the top 6 places was Debra Madden of Sundrive at 27:05.

Flying the flag for our youth riders were Annie Roche (U14) and Hannah Tilley (U16) who put in impressive times of 30:49 and 32:10 respectively – a Trojan effort on such a windy evening!

Full Results are available on the forum: Scott Orwell Women's Crit League Round 1 Results.


Huge thanks to the marshals Lorna Reilly, Dave Hendron and John Wade for holding cars at bay when needed and keeping us all safe. Thanks to Dave Mc for his impeccable timing skills. Brendan Culleton and John Hammer came along to take some great photos – always appreciated as its lovely to have mementoes of the evening. Thanks also to John Twoomey who did an excellent job of balancing all ladies for the TT start with not so much as a minor wobble! Sincere thanks to the organisers and support crew of Yvonne Doran, Orla Hendron and Jen Sheridan who ensured that the evening went smoothly and that all the lovely girls had to do was turn up and cycle fast!

Photo Albums from:

Lastly, a big thank you and well done to all of the riders, both new and not so new who attended and gave it welly on the night. It is brilliant to see so many female riders participate in what is always a very enjoyable league. For the newcomers, we hope to see you all at the next round in Corcagh Park where this time there will be helpful wheels to sit on. For the more experienced ladies of the group....we hope to also see you there and thank you in advance for the aforementioned wheels!


Sign on next Tuesday is at 18:30 with a short safety skills session to take place at 7pm which we strongly encourage everyone to attend.

B race starts at 7.15 followed by the A Race.

Until Tuesday....!