Wicklow League Round 5, Ashford, Co. Wicklow, 30th June 2009

On another sunny Tuesday evening, over 20 women signed on for Round 5 of the Wicklow League. Jenny McCauley was missing from action this week, but the race organisation had been left in very capable hands, and everyone was ready to go at 7.30pm. The Scratch group had only two riders – Sandra Fitzgerald and myself from Stagg Lucan CRC, and we set off first to complete five laps. Large Limit and Semi-Scratch groups set off next, to complete four laps. With Scratch working well together, we caught Semi-Scratch with two laps to go. Semi-Scratch immediately upped their pace and the chase and attacks began as we tried to catch the Limit riders.

By this time, the underage girls had joined in with the original senior Limit group, who were all still riding together as a unit. Unfortunately, on the main road, a touch of wheels left the up-and-coming young Caoimhe Ivory on the ground and out of the race with a shoulder injury. Eventually, all the groups came together, and I attacked at the bottom of the last hill, keeping the pace high on the drag. Eithne Dalby from Bray Wheelers was tight on my wheel and we had a small gap on the chasers. We were joined by Sandra near the top, and she forged ahead on the last corner – looking like she might stay away for the win. This was not to be as Eithne put in a very strong chase, with some help from Fionnuala Ní Bhradaigh (Bray Wheelers) who had got across to the front group on her own. The four leaders were all together for the last few hundred metres, with a sprint finish deciding the places. I finished just ahead of Eithne, with Fionnuala in third, and Sandra in fourth. Junior Ailbhe Ivory from Bray Wheelers was next over the line in a fine fifth place, with Underage rider Kayleigh Gibbons from Stagg Lucan CRC finishing an excellent sixth (and very short of breath!!).

I hope Caoimhe is well on the mend and that we see her out racing again soon as she prepares for her National Championships. Thanks to all the helpers and sponsors last night for a great race, and I look forward to our BBQ next Tuesday night for the final race in the league…

Photos from Brendan Culleton HERE.


1. Roisin Kennedy - Stagg Lucan CRC
2. Eithne Dalby – Bray Wheelers
3. Fionnuala Ní Bhrádaigh – Bray Wheelers
4. Sandra Fitzgerald – Stagg Lucan CRC
5. Ailbhe Ivory – Bray Wheelers
6. Kayleigh Gibbons – Stagg Lucan CRC