Rí An Chonair

I arrived a subject, I returned a King.

A family holiday to the Dingle peninsula allowed me to fly the Orwell flag in “Ri and Chonair 2016” - a short hill TT. organised by local club, Dingle CC. The route of pain was from Dingle town to the top of the Conor pass (or 7k@6% in TT parlance). Being a return visitor for years, I knew the climb inside out – it’s a beauty, cutting across Mt Brandon finishing with a stunning view across to Castlegregory Perfect, a 7pm starting slot meant I’d be having a pint of Creans by 8. Mmm.

3-2-1 go – uh oh, I’ve gone out too hard – I have that taste of bile and blood surfacing up through my throat, this is zero craic. I use the riders visible up ahead as targets. No time to enjoy the view. In the saddle, out of the saddle , repeat. Nearing the summit I see some spectators, cheering everybody on. I spot the timing mat, one last dig –BEEP. Some quick banter at the top and I’m off home to light the BBQ. Only then did I get a call from Cian from Dingle CC to tell me I’d won – yes Cian, yes I can do a photo.

The King is dead, long live the King.