Joe-Nathan Matar pushing hard at the Donal Crowley Memorial (Pic Credit: Sean Rowe)

Pinergy - Orwell Wheelers' Patrick O'Sullivan netted his biggest result in what has already been a breakthrough season, finishing tenth overall and first Junior at the Donal Crowley Memorial, the second round of the prestigious national series. O'Sullivan, whose early season results propelled him up to the A2 Junior grade, demonstrated that the step up was well within his considerable abilities and he now sits second overall win the National Series Junior rankings.

Also to the fore in Blarney was Joe-Nathan Matar who netted 17th place despite struggling with the unseasonably cold conditions.

Last year's overall Junior National Series winner Killian O'Brien returned from a spell racing in Italy to take 14th overall and third Junior.

(L to R): Patrick O'Sullivan, Joe-Nathan Matar, Killian O'Brien and Luca Holmes at the start of the Donal Crowley Memorial