One of our established members, Lloyd Moore, is doing a cycle from Land's End to John O'Groats - the length of Great Britain! - in aid of the Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association. Read on for details, and how to support him and this very worthy cause!

Sponsorship welcome at and follow Lloyd's progress on Facebook

The LEJoG Cycle

LEJoG is a cycling journey from Land’s End in south west England to John O'Groats in north east Scotland, covering a distance of approximately 1,600 kilometres (1,000 miles). My LEJoG trip will be totally self-supported i.e. it is not part of an organised group trip. I plan to cycle an average of approximately 110kms (70 mls) per day depending on the terrain and weather conditions.

The Cause

In making this trip, I will be taking the opportunity to raise funds for the Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association (IMNDA). All monies raised will be paid to the IMNDA.

A very good friend, Deborah Hickey, was diagnosed with Motor Neuron Disease (MND) in 2008. Deborah, has had to give up her successful career in Microsoft and the hill walking, climbing and skiing activities that she so enjoyed. Deborah maintains an unflinching positive attitude as she bravely fights this disease with the wonderful assistance of the IMNDA who support Deborah and her family with nursing care, essential specialist equipment and in dealing with the relevant health service departments for general medical support.

In recent years we have heard of many people, including club/work colleagues, and others in public life, being affected by this terrible disease for which there is no cure at present. In the words of Hilda Brady, regarding her mother Bridget, “For the short time that Mum suffered this terrible illness, the MND association provided so much support, for both my Mum and the people caring for her”.

In addition to providing assistance to people with MND, the IMNDA also provide funds to Research Motor Neuron in Trinity College Dublin to help promote and facilitate research into the causes and treatment of MND.

It is for people like Deborah and Bridget and their families that your support for the IMNDA will be greatly appreciated.


My cycle will take place from the 14th to the 31st May 2014.

How to Donate

You can support the great work being done by IMNDA by donating as follows:
  -  Online at  using the site's secure payment system.
  -  Give your donation to myself or to one of the following: Deirdre Hughes, Margaret McGuigan, Hilda Brady, Declan Craig, Julie Hogan, Trish O’Halloran, Kay Mulqueen, David / Jen Guiney, Alisdair Moore.

If anyone would be willing to collect donations on my behalf please let me know via Facebook and I will send you a sponsorship form.

Follow me!

 Twitter: or search for #lloydimnda

Please “Like” and or share my page so I can involve others in my fundraising efforts.

About the IMNDA

Further details on the work of the IMNDA can be found at:


On behalf of Lloyd, thanks in advance for your support!