Quanta-Scott Orwell Wheelers are proud to present this year's Stephen Roche GP, in virtual format on 24th June 2020

The women's race will kick off at 19:00 on Zwift, with the men's race to follow at 20:00 on the RGT platform.

This year's virtual races are being fully organised by a number of our youth and junior riders. Race director Andrew Ryan along with Luca Holmes, David Harrington, Ruairi Byrne, Olga Buckina and Ronan O’Connor have put in a huge amount of work to bring the 2020 Virtual Stephen Roche GP to life.

Our women's race will be run in conjunction with the Cycling Ireland Women's Wedenesday night Zwift race, and will be run on the "Crit City" course of "Bell Lap" over 15 laps, giving a race distance of 28.6km.

The men's race is being run on the RGT platform which allows the race to take place on a virtual representation of the classic Meadowmount circuit in Dundrum. (This platform has been made available for free for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.) The race will take place over 30 laps giving a total race distance of 38.4km

Both races are guaranteed to be fast and furious as usual and we look forward to seeing you there!

Race Particulars & Technical Information

>>Download the race manual here for full technical info!<<



There is no entry fee for either race.

Women's race

Platform: Zwift
Route: Zwift’s ‘Crit City’ course of ‘Bell lap’
Distance: 28.6km
Date: 24 June 2020
Start time: 19:00

Women's Race Categories:

  • A (FTP >4.0w/kg)
  • B (FTP between 3.2w/kg and 4.0w/kg)
  • C (FTP between 2.5w/kg and 3.2w/kg)
  • D (FTP <2.5w/kg)


Register on www.zwift.com/events

Men's race

Platform: RGT
Route: A virtual representation of the Meadowmount circuit
Distance: 38.4km
Date: 24 June 2020
Start time: 20:00

Men's Race Categories:

  • A (FTP >3.5w/kg)
  • B (FTP <3.5w/kg)


Download the RGT mobile app and register here:

A Race: http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=f51Jt44qQi​ // Race Code: f51Jt44qQi​

B Race: http://app.rgtcycling.com/event?code=de7aJGKlsn // Race Code: de7aJGKlsn

Note: In case of any difficulty with the links above, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Open the RGT mobile app
  2. Click the 3 lines in the top right corner
  3. Choose "Races" from the menu
  4. Click the "Search Race" button
  5. Copy and Paste (or type) the race code listed above


Spectators for both races

>>Download full viewing Instructions here!<< 

It will be possible to watch the race via the Discord app, via this link: https://discord.gg/SDGzRCR 

Racers are encouraged to share their screens if at all possible!