A huge thank you to all of the marshals who helped out tonight and made everything run like clockwork. It's a huge undertaking for a club of any size to run an event like the Stephen Roche GP, and it wouldn't be possible without the 50 or so club members who helped out in some way or other.

Special mention to Dave Hendron and Stephen O'Shea who have put days or weeks of work in to do all of the organisation that allows the rest of us to show up on the evening to do our few hours of marshalling. Thanks to Dave Mc, David Tansey, Paul Tansey, Jen McLoughlin Sheridan, Aidan Hammond as well as all our club mates who came to Marshal, help, drive, point and cheer - thank you all very, very much!

Apart from being a lot of work, an event like this costs lots of money, so thanks are also due to all of the sponsors who make it viable- Scott Sports, Quanta Capital, DLR County Council, Bikefitting Ireland, Joe Dalys, The All American Laundrette, and probably a few others of whom I am not aware.

Finally thanks are due to the Roche family and the residents of Meadowmount for welcoming us in and facilitating us for another year.

U12 Boys:
1, Noah Harris, Bray Wheelers;
2, Joe Dowling, St. Tiernans;
3, George Sevastapulo, Sundrive.

U12 Girls:
1, Aine Reilly, Scott Orwell;
2, Olga Buckina, Scott Orwell;
3, Aoife Kelly, Moynalty.

U14 Boys:
1, Darragh Lenehan, Navan;
2, Ryan Fox, Scott Orwell;
3, Christopher Marshall, Scott Orwell.

U14 Girls:
1, Katie Reilly, Scott Orwell;
2, Lauren Murray, TC racing.

1, Eoghan Cooke, Ounavarra;
2, Andrew Kelly, Moynalty;
3, Dylan Baker, Scott Orwell;
4, Dylan Hayes, Bikeworx;
5, Andrew Ryan, Scott Orwell;
6, David Forbes, Scott Orwell;
7, Ronan O'Connor, Scott Orwell;
8, Ruairi Byrne, Scott Orwell;
9, Sam Taylor, Scott Orwell;
10, Brendan Conroy, Epic.
1st Girl:
Ellen Murray, TC Racing.

Senior women:
1, Maura Claffey, UCD;
2, Nikki Taggart, Arcane;
3, Aoife O'Brien, Lakeside Wheelers;
4, Kate Earlie, St. Tiernans;
5, Lucy O'Donnell, O'Leary Stone Kanturk;
6, Aideen Keenan, Dublin Wheelers;
7, Niamh Stephens, TC Racing;
8, Aaron Fox, Scott Orwell.

Joe Dalys Prime: Maura Claffey;
The All American Laundrette Prime: Maura Claffey;
1st U16: Aoife O'Brien;
1st Junior: Lucy O'Donnell;
1st Orwell rider: Aaron Fox.

Senior Men's race results:
1, Mark Dowling, Unattached;
2, Paul Forristal, Scott Orwell;
3, Dillon Corkery, Bioracer-DHL-FR services;
4, James Davenport, Strata3/Velorevolution;
5, Conor Murnane, UCD;
6, Callum O'Toole, Scott Orwell;
7, Liam Curley, Strata3/Velorevolution;
8, Paul O'Reilly, Dan Morrissey/MIG/Pactimo.

Prime 1: Billy Crosbie, Sundrive;
Prime 2: William Goodwin, Laois CC;
Prime 3: John Priest, Lucan CRC;
Prime 4: Mark Dowling, Unattached;
Prime 5: Mark Dowling, Unattached;
Prime 6: Mark Dowling, Unattached;
Prix de la Combativitie: Mark Dowling, Unattached.

1st A2: Bernard English, Scott Orwell;
2nd A2, Cillian Whelan, Dunboyne CC;
1st A3, John Priest, Lucan CRC;
2nd A3, Robert Kiely, Sundrive;
1st Junior: Ryan Geraghty, Bikeworx.