Torr Hell - Giants causeway coastal sportive

Sinead and some of the members of the club who took part in the Giants causeway coastal sportive

I have been very busy lately so I arrived in Antrim with no notion of what I was cycling, where I was headed or what to expect! Luckily I had spoken to Louise Keane who has done the sportive numerous times and she warned me to only to do the 126km. The 180km would be a big ask especially with this Torr head thing at the end.

It's not often I listen to anyone but I was very glad that on this occasion I did! 126km was more than enough.

The route is hilly enough and then at 103km the fun begins! Or not, I'm still not sure how I feel about it!

Have you ever been on a roller coaster? At the start it chugs up almost vertically and your mouth goes dry. Then it drops considerably along with your tummy. That was the first bit. I don't know how I had never heard of this climb until the day before. I have cycled in the Alps and I don't remember any of it being this bad. The top of the Col Galibier is tough but short. This Torr hell was relentless. 17km in total. Maybe because in Europe I have a 32 cassette and here I have a 28, it added bang for my buck. I don't know. It seemed to go on and on. Parts are 23% gradient, I honesty thought I would just fall over. My arms and abs were killing me later from pulling so hard on the bike. My front wheel kept lifting. The views were lovely though, looking up and up and up at a wall ahead with little tiny cyclists. I found my inner Serena Williams, I was grunting and shouting good-oh, along with some fine sailor swearing it seemed to help no end! Certainly made the guys around me work a bit harder, they thought I was shouting at them!

Torr Hell

The part of the climb that nearly broke me was when I thought it was over. I always look for the top tree / telegraph pole, there was nothing else higher. Then, there, pinned to a fence was "KOM starts here." I actually screamed at the top of my lungs "AGH F*** RIGHT OFF!!" No amount of obscenities was going to make this one go away! Like the lovely demur, classy lady that I am I remembered rule #5, grew a pair and got stuck in there.

Not sure how long that stretch was but finally I saw the "KOM ends here" and that was it done. The pictures and write ups don't do the climb justice at all, if you want to experience it, get in the car and go! Pack a swear jar.