An important update from Stephen Ryan about the Sunday spins - all members should please have a quick read.

Despite the wintry conditions there were plenty of Orwell groups out on the roads this weekend. And if you saw them you may have thought "my, but aren't they well led", and indeed they are, the leaders and dispatchers have been doing a great job in running enjoyable groups both for existing members and welcoming guests.

However each week there has been at least one no-show by a leader. That puts strain on everyone else. The reason most often given is that the person didn’t know they were down as a leader.

If your name is on the list below you are on duty, once or twice, before the end of the season. Please see the google doc for the date and the leaders page will give you some more information. If you need to swap your date there is a thread for that. If you see a name below that you know has left the club please post on that thread as well to let us know. There are plenty of other members who would be happy to fill in.