Social Rep Ann Horan has been busy again! On this occasion it's time to get geared up for the annual weekend away! 

All roads lead to Nenagh on the weekend of 6th-8th of November for the annual Orwell weekend away. If you are new to the club and would like to make some new friends or get to know your fellow club members a little better this weekend is a must! We will be doing a flat spin of less than 120km (with a coffee stop) around the beautiful Lough Derg rolling out at 10am. I can't promise good weather but I can promise great views and loads of banter. Groups will be split according to ability, the usual white, yellow, orange and red.

Seating for dinner will be assigned in the usual way. You pick a number out of a hat. This encourages mixing and mingling and splits up the cliques!

If you are a club member and for whatever reason you can't partake in the group spin you are welcome to come along and do a shorter spin or leave your bike at home altogether (but you will be named and shamed at dinner!).

As we are an environmentally friendly group of cyclists, car pooling will be encouraged. We will start a thread on the forum at a later date.

We will be staying in the Abbey Court Hotel, and there will be options to suit everybody!

Travel down to Nenagh on Friday and stay two nights, 6-7th Nov:

  • Two night rate €99 pps, €139 single
  • This includes B & B and dinner on Sat night.

Or get up early and travel down to Nenagh on Saturday morning, 7th Nov:

  • One night rate €65 pps, €85 single
  • One night B&B and dinner on Sat night

How to book:

  1. Ring this number - (067) 41111
  2. Dial extension 2
  3. Say you are part of the Orwell Wheelers group
  4. State how many nights you are staying and what type of room you would like

N.B. If you are sharing a room you must be staying the same number of nights as your roomie. Only one person rings and books the room on behalf of the pairing.


Ann Horan has once more done a lot of work into securing this deal for Orwell members, and can answer any questions on the forum! The hotel have given us these rates on the basis that they have a minimum of hassle. Please only book a room when you have a room-mate (or are taking a single), and all occupants are confirmed to be going away.