This Saturday night will see Orwell occupy the top floor of O'Donoghue's of Suffolk St, as we gather for Christmas festivities and the annual prize-giving.

We'll have the awarding of all the club medals from throughout the season - hill climb, 10m and 25m TTs, and the club champs, won in style by Darragh Long.

There will also be the revealing of the winners of the Underage Rider of the Year, and those you've been voting on - Club Person of the Year, Newcomer of the Year and Cowboy/girl of the Year.

We'll have a raffle in aid of the Simon Community for some fabulous spot prizes donated by Dave Tansey from Joe Daly Cycles, and Robert Tully.

The venue is the same as the post-season shindig - upstairs in O'Donoghue's on Suffolk St ( That's not Merrion Row, but instead at the bottom of Grafton St., around the corner from the Molly Malone beside Avoca. Used to be called the Thingmotte, and before that the Suffolk Lounge. Just so we all know where we're going!

We'll be starting from 8pm, and we need bodies (preferably live ones) there early to hold the space. If we're not filling it by 9pm, we'll end up sharing the room with random gate-crashers who will eat our finger food, and may lay claim to some of our drinks vouchers!

That's right - we've got a limited supply of drink vouchers to encourage you to show up early! Christmas jumpers are not obligatory, but they are encouraged! We might even dig out a prize for the best one!

So we'll see you all on Saturday from 8pm!