Final info on the weekend away! Make sure to have a read through of this - it's also available on the forum.

Check your brakes NOW, make sure you have good pressure in your tyres and if there has been a niggley noise coming from your bike that you’ve been meaning to get checked out, do it! This is a long spin, numbers are big, and while cycling in a group, we are all depending on each other to ride safe.

Bag drop:
Strictly one bag per person, Ryanair rules apply. Please pack lightly and label your bag. There are two bag drop locations, Joe Daly’s and the Pope’s Cross, Phoenix Park.
- Thursday: Joe Daly’s, 17:00-19:00
- Friday: Joe Daly’s, 09:30-18:00
- Saturday: Joe Daly's, 09.00
- Saturday: Pope's Cross, 09.45
Saturday morning the bags will be collected from Joe Daly’s at 9:15am, the van will then drive to the Pope’s Cross, Phoenix Park where the remainder of the bags will be collected and transported to the Annebrook Hotel.
Please note that if you are staying in a hotel other than the Annebrook, you must collect your bags from the Annebrook.

Meeting time and place:
John Twomey has kindly offered to lead a group on Saturday morning leaving from Joe Daly’s at 09:15 SHARP. Please be considerate of the time given, as the people in the Phoenix Park will be waiting for you to arrive before they can leave Leaving the Pope’s Cross, Phoenix Park at 10.00 SHARP.

Please bear in mind your own level of ability when choosing a route and a group. Make sure you are well prepared for all weather conditions. Also ensure that you have enough energy bars, drinks, etc., to keep yourself going. Bring a pump, spare tubes and any other equipment you would normally bring for your long Sunday spin. There will be no support en route, apart from your clubmates in the group. So make friends!

Please take time to familiarise yourself with the route you choose. Don’t rely on someone else to lead you. If you think it may be helpful, print out the map and bring it with you.

The short route: This is 77km and very straightforward in terms of both cycling and route finding. Suggesting the Streetside cafe in Enfield (38km) for lunch.

Longer route: This is 112km, but can easily be cut to 90km, if needed, by blasting down the N52 from Athboy. There is a cafe in Athboy (60km), or a couple of shops and garages with delis if people would prefer that.

Dinner in the Annebrook Hotel is at 19:00

Bag collection:
On return ALL BAGS WILL BE RETURNED TO JOE DALY’S. I have sourced a volunteer to drive the van back to Dublin. The bags will be available for collection from 13:30-14:30 on Sunday. After this time they will be locked safely into Joe Daly’s where you can come and collect them during the week. Anything not collect by Friday will become property of Orwell Wheelers, and may be used as prizes in the Christmas Hamper Race.

I am still looking for a volunteer to drive the van with the bags to Mullingar. If this is something you think you would be able to help with, please contact me.

Looking forward to a great weekend away, I hope you are too!