The Club Weekend Away is going to be to Mullingar this year, staying in the 4* Annebrook House Hotel, and the format is going to be similar to last year in that we are going to cycle there and back.

The date is Saturday November 16th and there will be two routes, a 120km route and a 90km more direct route. Both will include a coffee/lunch stop.

Annebrook House Hotel
€74.50pps – Bed&Breakfast + Dinner
Tel: 044 9353300 (website)
Reference: Orwell Wheelers
BOOK BY OCT 31st – (above offer cannot be guaranteed after this date)

Dinner will be at 7pm, and secure room provided for bike storage over night. There's a public swimming pool located beside the hotel, though entrance fee is not included with the hotel stay.

Start time, location, routes and bag drop off will be confirmed closer to the time, but for now, find yourself a roomie and get booking!

If you don't fancy cycling to Mullingar there are plenty of other options for getting there; train, bus, car. If anyone is driving down and can offer some assistance in terms of transporting cyclists' luggage, please get in touch.

You can pose any questions in the forum, or get in touch with our social rep extraordinaire Rachel Glendon - details on the contact page at the left.

There's also a Facebook event if you're into your social media.

All members are welcome - new or old - and there'll be groups going different routes at different speeds to get there. If you're not sure you'll be able for the spin, come by motorised vehicle instead. But make sure you're there, it's always a cracking weekend!