Where is it ? Corkagh Park, exit 2 (Kingwood Cross) N7 Naas road, boot road to Green Isle Hotel Clondalkin.

When ? Sign on 9:30 racing 10AM to 12AM Sunday 6th, 13th and 20th May plus more dates to be confirmed.

What’s the course ? New “Cycling Ireland” 1.1K safe dedicated road race course, fenced off and in park.

Who’s it for ? All abilities, beginners (Handicapped), U10, U12, U14 and U16.

How long is it ? Beginners / U10 -1 to 5 laps, U12 - 5 laps, U14 -15 laps, U16 - 25 laps (to be confirmed).

How much does it cost? Only €2 per rider a day

What about prizes? Great prizes at end of league for all categories inc. girls, thanks to generous sponsorship from Cycling Leinster. 

When can I find out more? Check out the forum at: www.orwellwheelers.org

Who can I talk to ? Jeni 087-4141177, Ian 086-1742086, Damian 086-8622899 (evenings only).