Places are still available for the coaching seminar hosted by Paddy Doran tomorrow at the West County Hotel in Chapelizod and in the Phoenix Park.

The seminar, which is part of an expanded Orwell coaching programme ahead of the 2011 season, is subsidised from club funds and all members, regardless of discipline, are encouraged to take part.

The day’s activities will include lectures and practical work, and part of the function of the event will be to streamline riders into different coaching interest groups for further coaching through the winter.

The cost, which includes a full day coaching seminar, morning tea and coffee and a carvery lunch buffet is just €10 per person or €7 for under 18’s and the unemployed.

All members are welcome. Please bring a bike and running gear for practical sessions in the Phoenix Park.

If you're riding to the session the hotel has lock up facilities for bikes.

To book your place email Paddy Doran: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Date: Saturday 27th November.

Time: 10.30am-4.00pm

Venue: West County Hotel - Location Info

Cost: €10 per person or €7 for under 18’s and the unemployed