Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris

1 year 1 month ago #38431 by Leonard Kaye
Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris was created by Leonard Kaye
4 years ago an Orwell Wheelers Team set off on the Paris Brest Paris 1,200km Audax challenge.


Yesterday,  another Paris Brest Paris Orwell Team loaded their bikes at Joe Daly's to set out on the 2023 challenge. I'm sure we all wish them well.

The riders are:

Rear L to R
Michael Frain
Zoheb Khan
Joe Wheatley
Michael Hayden

Centre L to R
David Costello
Alessandro (Alex) Stapleton
Andrew Potts

Individual L
Adam Conlon

Individual R
Dave McLoughlin.

Kashif also qualified again for PBP 2023, but due to circumstances beyond his control, he had to withdraw. 

This link will give you the latest status of just the 9 Orwells registered for PBP.  It gets updated each time a rider rides into a control.


Check here for updates on their progress.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Louise Keane, Danny Moriarty, Peter McGrath

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1 year 1 month ago #38432 by Aidan Hammond
Replied by Aidan Hammond on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Best of luck to you all, fair play, big and brilliant challenge. Enjoy the experience.
Cant believe the Orwell Flag is still on the go!
Henry Whelan RIP one of the Original members of the Orwell from 1948 gave us that flag many many years ago! Its as old as the Orwell is!
The following user(s) said Thank You: Danny Moriarty, Leonard Kaye

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1 year 1 month ago #38433 by Danny Moriarty
Replied by Danny Moriarty on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
EPIC awaits ........ 

Bon route et Bon Courage
The following user(s) said Thank You: Leonard Kaye

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1 year 1 month ago #38434 by Nicola Rice
Replied by Nicola Rice on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Very best of luck to all of you. You are clearly all insane but the best kind of insane <3.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Leonard Kaye

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1 year 1 month ago #38435 by BarryR
Replied by BarryR on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Good luck to you all, and especially to Adam who laid solid foundations for this in the mountains around Calpe with us last March!

Not on Whatsapp. Contact me on Signal app instead.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Leonard Kaye

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1 year 1 month ago #38446 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris

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1 year 4 weeks ago - 1 year 4 weeks ago #38449 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Joe Wheatley

I joined Orwell in 2018 and started doing some sportives. In 2020 Orwell started a "no one gets dropped" introduction to audaxing and the first event was the Yola 200 in Wexford, which I really enjoyed. There were a few of the 2019 Orwell PBP crew there that day and they piqued my interest in PBP.
Over the last two years, I've completed an audax ride every month and also some of the Audax Ireland challenges (RRTY, 4P's, and the Super Randonneur series). Besides audaxing, I also enjoy doing the regular club spins, the touring and adventure trips and multi-day trips abroad.
For PBP I'll be riding my Enigma Echelon Ti bike which I have used for all the qualifiers. PBP is the most famed audax event of all and I consider myself very fortunate to be heading to the start line with my fellow Orwell club members. I know it will be a huge challenge for all of us but we've had great support and advice in our preparation from many of the 2019 Orwell PBP team and in particular from Dave Mc in Joe Daly's
Last edit: 1 year 4 weeks ago by Leonard Kaye.

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1 year 4 weeks ago #38450 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Hi all.
My name is Adam Conlan and, for my sins, I will be joining a team of Orwell cyclists who will travel to France in order to partake in the Paris Brest Paris event.
I was 69 last week and can thoroughly recommend this milestone to you all if only because the birthday cards that you will receive will be a lot funnier than in previous years.
As the oldest member of the team, my cunning plan is to latch onto the coattails of the younger and wiser cyclists.
I discovered Audax by listening to the stories of Leonard Kaye, Andrew Potts and others who had achieved what seemed the almost impossible goal of completing PBP in 2019. Well, PBP still seems an impossible goal to me but, along the way, Audaxing has brought me into contact with some fantastic characters and I would thoroughly recommend it to any Orwell member who fancies a bit of craic.
If you enjoy an 80 Km spin on a Sunday, just imagine how much more you will enjoy 200K!


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1 year 4 weeks ago #38451 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Michael Hayden

PBP debutant 2023. Orwell member since 2013. For PBP I will ride my De Rosa Miliano bike, my tried and trusted audax bike. How I started in audaxing: sat at the wrong table on a club spin coffee stop and got chatting to some audaxers. First audax: Orwell 200 2019 'The snow audax', when I finished that I knew I could finish anything! Why audaxing? An excuse to research and buy more cycling kit, exploring every town and back road known, having to time plan and strategise a route over 200, 300, 400, 600 or 1,200km!




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1 year 4 weeks ago #38452 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Alex Stapleton
I joined Orwell in July 2021, following years of commuting, mountain biking and tandeming. In 2019 cycled for charity between London and Amsterdam over two days which sparked a desire to pursue other road cycling goals.
My Bike ChoiceItalian alu race bicycle (in the picture) running Campagnolo Record 12sp
Why oh Why am I doing the PBP Whilst completing a London to Amsterdam charity cycle I felt great on the second-day cycling in the Netherlands.
So multi-day cycling events were the natural next step for me. I have always been inspired by Mark Beaumont’s two cycles around the world. I completed just the Orwell 200km Audax in 2022 with half an eye on doing PBP and earlier this year I took the plunge to participate once the sign-up was opened.

The Journey so far
I like the fact it is easy to complete a Super Randonnee series each year via the club. The 200km in March feels like a longer club ride, 300km onwards I have found the true spirit of Audaxing.

Worst Moment
Completing the Midlands 300km qualifier on zero sleep and a problematic puncture. I am grateful to Andrew, Mike, Joe and Adam for getting me through this event.

Best Moment
Descending into Tallaght from Brittas at the end of the National 600km Audax qualifier knowing that PBP qualification was completed. 

The following user(s) said Thank You: Peter McGrath

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1 year 4 weeks ago #38453 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Michael Frain
I only joined Orwell around 2 years ago but have been cycling for a few years. My first longer-distance event was a Ring of Kerry cycle back in 2015. I took part in various sportifs for a number of years without any great plan or strategy.

A period off the bike with illness meant I needed a target to aim for. The Mick Byrne Audax was suggested as a challenge and it certainly was. It was my first taste of an Audax event and more importantly the incredible Audax community. I was hooked. That was 2019. Subsequently, I happened to cycle with some Orwell riders on an Audax back in Mayo and they suggested joining Orwell and here I am.

Audax gives an incredible opportunity to see different parts of Ireland, and the world, through all their events. I aim to do at an audax event most months along with having a main target for each year. I gradually built up to the longer distance events and last year completed London Edinburgh London. This year (along with the qualifiers) the main aim is PBP.

The training is done so hopefully all goes to plan. The support from Orwell has been invaluable - particularly with organising the van - so a huge thanks to all involved.

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1 year 4 weeks ago - 1 year 4 weeks ago #38454 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Andrew Potts

I have been a member of Orwell for several years and Audaxing to me is a good day out with a couple of people often riding over roads you have not seen before. It is different from the Club rides but only in the sense that it pushes your comfort zone a little.

The longer distances are a very different animal but can also be very rewarding. You do need to plan for them, a slightly optimistic viewpoint of how could I do this. Helps but It always comes down to one bite at a time.

The Paris Brest Paris is a unique event, the communities along the way offer generous support. I suppose it is that sense of occasion that is pulling me back. Riders from up to 70 countries from all over the World sharing the road, it is inspiring to be part of it.

It is an adventure and hopefully, our Orwell team will have some luck to make it an enjoyable experience. In the next day or two, it’s the final packing of bikes, equipment choices and a deep breath. Then it’s the start and for four days you will live in a different universe.

Last edit: 1 year 4 weeks ago by Leonard Kaye.

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1 year 4 weeks ago - 1 year 4 weeks ago #38455 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
David CostelloI
In October 2021 I started in Orwell with three main aims:
 the first was to cycle around Ireland,
the second to cycle 200km in a day and ,
the third to get to know some people locally as we had moved house just before COVID. 
My first Audax was in March 2022 – the Orwell 200.  The club provided an introduction to Audaxing which got us ready as a group for this challenge.  After the 200 in March, I decided to try the Orwell 300 in April.  This was quite a stretch but again there was a group from Orwell who were doing it together.  I did a couple of Audaxes during the summer of 2022 and started on the RRTY in September.  Once again there was a group from Orwell doing it together.
  While I have done some Audaxes on my own I do find it good to chat away the kilometres with others.This year I wasn’t sure if I would manage to qualify for the PBP but I decided to try and see how far I got.  To my surprise, I’ve managed to get through all the qualifying distances and find myself facing my biggest challenge yet. 

Without a doubt, I would not have managed this without Orwell.  The tours, winter spins and regular spins have kept my joy of cycling alive and we have all got so much advice from fellow club members.As regards my original aims – I have managed to cycle 200km having gone from zero to attempting the PBP in 18 months.  The cycling around Ireland is a work in progress but it has started with Orwell’s help.  Finally, through Orwell, I have got to know so many people from around the area who have been so friendly, supportive and helpful with advice.
Last edit: 1 year 4 weeks ago by Leonard Kaye.

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1 year 4 weeks ago #38456 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
In less than 2 hours (at 16:15 Paris time), Dave Mc. of Joe Daly Cycles, the first of the Orwell Wheelers’ team set off on the 1,200 km Paris Brest Paris audax challenge.

☘This is Dave’s 5 th. PBP

☘It’s Zoheb’s 3rd @ 19:15

☘Andrew’s 2nd @ 19:30

Here are the first timers' start times:

☘Michael F @18.00

☘Alex @ 19.00

☘Michael H. , Adam, David and  Joe @19.15

You can follow their progress on the following site:


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1 year 4 weeks ago #38457 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
Zoheb Khan
This is my 3rd attempt at PBP, and it was at the last attempt in 2019 I saw Orwell Wheelers and their organization and decided to join the club. 4 years on I'll be wearing the Orwell kit hoping to successfully complete this PBP.
Pic: Leonard and Valerie picked me off the Orwell 200 in 2019 because road conditions were dangerous, especially with a white jacket, and me demanding the picture to say I was not quitting.


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1 year 4 weeks ago - 1 year 4 weeks ago #38460 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
AY 2 PBP UpdateThe good news is that all the Orwell team are still on the road.While the numbers do not tell the full story here are some stats. Bearing in mind that riders set off at different times7 riders have reached Fougeres at 292kmsMichael Frain has passed through Tinteniac 353kmsAnd Dave Mc has passed through Qedillac 378kmsI have attached a sheet showing their progress so far at the various controls  


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Last edit: 1 year 4 weeks ago by Leonard Kaye.
The following user(s) said Thank You: BarryR

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1 year 4 weeks ago #38461 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
PBP Update

Dave Mc reached Brest the halfway point at 17:15 Irish time.

However, Andrew is out of PBP due to heat exhaustion.

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1 year 4 weeks ago #38462 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
I was speaking to Andrew - he is disappointed but in good spirits
The following user(s) said Thank You: Louise Keane

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1 year 3 weeks ago #38466 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris

"Just an update on me.
A simple fall, lost the front wheel.
Did get a comfy bed Monday night.
Thanks for all the good wishes"
"Now it's a different French adventure"

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1 year 3 weeks ago #38467 by Leonard Kaye
Replied by Leonard Kaye on topic Orwell Wheelers Team - Paris Brest Paris
PBP Update AT 19:30 TONIGHT 
Snapshot of some time comparisons

Fougere 928 KMs
Dave Mac    50:33:00

Loudeac 782KMs
Michael Frain     50:14:00

Carhaix-Plouguer – 697Kms
Alex Stapleton    45:34:00
Zoheb Khan         48:50:00
David Costello      45:03:00
Michael Hayden       45:17:00
Joe Wheatley         45:17:00
Adam Conlan        46:45:00

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