The Orwell Wheelers Randonnee is Back for 2019

As has become tradition, it’s taking place Saturday 4th of May@ 09:00am, the bank holiday weekend.

This year we are proud to be associated with the Dundrum Arch Club our chosen charity - This is a social club for people with intellectual disabilities that meets every Wednesday evening in Ballinteer Community School. This Charity is serviced fully by Volunteers with all proceeds going towards benefiting the members directly.For further information please check out

A key milestone in the annual sportive calendar. The Randonnee promises to be a fantastic day for any rider seeking an early season challenge.

SIGN UP HERE: EventBrite Registration for the Orwell Randonnee

CONTACT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



This year we’ve a new Venue, the start and finish will take place at De La Salle Palmerston F.C., Kirwan Park, Glenamuck North,Kilternan Co. Dublin for directions




ROUTE: 146KM & 2223meters climbing

The main route will include The Wall, Lugalla, Wicklow Gap and finally Sally Gap with 146km and 2223 meters of climbing which will certainly test any rider.




ROUTE: 92km & 1420meters climbing

Due to popular demand we’ve kept the “Lite Route” which consists of 92km and 1420 metres climbing. Still a challenge with Sally Gap being tackled from two different sides.


Both routes offer ideal preparation for any planned events later in the season such as, Wicklow 200,Marmotte, Etape etc.

It is advisable to register early as we will not be taking registrations on the day & 2018 sold out well in advance.

Numbers are limited to 300 so register early to avoid disappointment. Each entry will Include a special Commemorative Medal.


SIGN UP HERE: EventBrite Registration for the Orwell Randonnee


Please Note

•The use of Tri Bars are not permitted on the event

•You must wear a Hard shell helmet



Sign on

As per last year, we’ll be doing sign on both on Friday night and Saturday morning – for CI Members, can you please bring your valid licence with you for verification at sign on. Anyone who doesn’t produce their license will need to purchase a one day license @€5ea.

1. Friday night, sign on will take place at Joe Dalys bike shop in Dundrum between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. The shop will remain open during sign on for anybody looking to purchase tyres,tubes ,bars etc.

2. Saturday morning, sign on will open at 7:30am and close at 8:45am sharp to allow for us to start the event at 9am. No spare parts will be available to purchase on site on the day.

During sign on, each entrant will receive 3 items in addition to their goodie bag:

· A Food Voucher that will have the events emergency phone numbers and can be handed in at the end of the cycle for a Hot Meal.

· A crossbar sticker that contains details about the event such as the location of the water and food stops.

· A bike tag, that makes it easier for the Marshall’s and Road support to identify participants, this will also ensure entry to the Food stop grounds in Laragh.

Note: This event is now sold out and will not be taking any entries on the day.


A new venue this year De La Salle Palmerston F.C., Kirwan Park, Glenamuck North, Kilternan Co. Dublin: De La Salle Palmerstown Rugby Club, Kilternan for the start/finish and gates will open at 7:30am and close at 08:45am. Parking is limited at the grounds and will be served on a first come first served basis .

Teas and coffees are available before the start and at the finish.

Hot showers and changing facilities for both men and women will also be available after the event. Bear in mind both of these facilities are limited.

Note: that we will be shutting down the event at 6pm and gates will close shortly afterwards so keep this in mind throughout the day.


For the second time, we’re now offering 2 routes: the Randonnee (146km) and Randonnee Lite (92km).

Rollout for the 146km Route is 09:00am and the 09:15am for the 92km Lite.

Each junction will be manned by at least one marshal and should also have direction signs to help you. At the request of Wicklow Co. Co. we are not allowed to paint directions on the roads, you will be following corri-board signs as per last year. Marshals are not allowed and have no authority to stop or slow traffic and members of the public will be on the route so please keep this in mind and obey the rules of the road at all time.It is up to every rider to decide when it is safe to proceed.

Some of the road surface is quite poor throughout the course so please use caution especially on the downhill sections. These will be covered in the pre-ride safety briefing on the morning so please listen carefully ,some of note include:

· The main Randonnee route takes a left turn just after the Glencree turn,the lite continues straight so particular care is required and please slow down on approach and listen to the Marshalls

· The descent from the Liam Horner monument to the entrance of Powerscourt waterfall. This stretch has recently been repaired/ re-surfaced and expect loose gravel in parts ,particular care and attention is required.

· The descent from Glencree visitors centre to Enniskerry, visibility from the tree shadows can be poor again particular care is needed on this section as a lot of the road surface is in poor condition.

· While every effort will be made to let riders know about upcoming conditions, we suggest that you take your time as there’s normally a climb at the end of the descents so more time to recover! Always ride within your abilities and experience

Note: while the weather forecast is good at the moment, if it deteriorates we may have to alter the route for rider’s safety and should this happen, we’ll let you know 24 hours in advance.

Food/Water stops

Each version of the Randonnee will contain at least 2 waterstops stops and a food stop.

The main food stop for both routes will be at the Brockagh Center in Laragh (66km for the Randonnee Route and 46km for the Randonnee Lite). There will be soup, sambos, tea/coffee and loads of cake. Make sure to let us know when you enter if you have any special dietary requirements. Special requests for Dairy Free, Gluten Free ,Vegetarian ,and Vegan have been catered for so please make yourself know to guys in Laragh.Please note this Food Stop will not open until 10:30am.


On the Randonnee Route the additional water stops are just after the top of the Wall - approx 30km and in Manor Kilbride at 105km For the Randonnee Lite the additional water stop is at Sally Gap at 68km

Finally, as mentioned earlier, on return to the start/finish, each rider will be entitled to Hot food on production of the food coupon they received at sign on.

Note: the food stop in Laragh will close at 1:30pm and any riders that arrive after this time will be directed back to Roundwood and home as we have to move the marshals along the course throughout the day.

Mobile Mechanic

On the road support will be provided by Mr OrangeBikes. Please ensure your bike is in working order and you carry at least two spare tubes(no harm checking your shoes/cleats).Assistance will be provided within reason,spare parts tyres/tubes etc do not come free and will be charged accordingly.


We’d like to highlight our chosen charity this year : who do fantastic work in the community and we’re very proud to be associated with them.

Also a big thank you goes out to Horizon Print our main sponsor for the event who we are very grateful for their support and to Nutramino who have provided the protein bars, High 5 for the Zero’s and Gels, and Sudocrem for the added comfort J.

A special Thanks Derek & David Lillis and all the staff at De La Salle Palmerston and The Step inn who have exceeded all expectations in assisting with the event,and last but not least our Club Volunteers we’ve over 120 people out and about in different roles on the day.


No Helmet No Cycle

The use of Tri bars is not permitted

Don’t pass the Lead Car

Obey the rules of the road

Be Respectful to Marshalls

Call Road Hazards

Marshalls cannot stop Traffic



It’s Not A Race

Look out for Each Other

And Finally …Enjoy the Day



As mentioned, we’re really looking forward to meeting each and every rider throughout the day and should you have any questions,

Kind Regards

The Randonnee Committee


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