luke potter

  • Alps 2019 | Luk’Etape du Tour

    “To me, a fight is not a fight until there’s resistance. Until there’s something to overcome.” - Teddy Atlas

    A band of twenty-five Orwellians decended (and ascended) on the Alps for L’Etape du Tour and a Raid. Luke GJ Potter recounts his adventures amid the heat wave, to discover if he is a “Tropical Weather Ginger”.

  • Alps 2019 | Trying to win the Lautaret

    "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves" - Confucius (kinda, but not really)

    After the L’Etape du Tour, the remaining twenty-two Orwellians depart Moutier for Briançon, and try to get on TV when they were watching the Tour on the Galibier.

    After not completing the Etape, Luke GJ Potter details his redemption arc, as he continues to seek the title of “Tropical Weather Ginger”.

  • Boulder 2018 | Altitude Training Camp for TKAS

    Podcast recording of this Article is available! In a town full of plain-faced, Amish-looking, possibly reptilian, humanoids, one man had freckles, this is his story. Fair Warning: Boil the kettle and clear your calendar, it’s longer than a Brachiosaurus Spinal Column.

  • Dolomites 2018 | The Week I Went to the Dolomites

    Luke GJ takes you on holiday to the Dolomites with a rag-tag bunch of Orwellians. Here is his day by day diary of his adventures up hill and down dale.
    Would his Patellar Tendons live to tell the tale? Spoiler Alert: Barely.
    It’s another monster report, with a Podcast for those without the time to read.

  • Flanders 2019 | Belgian Waffle Hype Train - Stop 2

    With Liège-Bastogne-Liège completed, Luke GJ Potter and Eugène “Skil” Dillon go to Flanders. During their Driedaagse de Gendt, they complete Gent-Wevelgem in Flanders Fields and the Philippe Gilbert Classic. Waffle sampling continues for our brave hero.

  • Gran Canaria 2019 | Gran Fondo Pine Cones

    Relive Luke GJ Potter’s final two days in Gran Canaria just before Christmas. He was sent on an errand to the top of a Volcano for a last minute Christmas Present. He made a rookie mistake after dinner that left him in a spot of bother at the airport.

    There’s a quiz at the bottom, comment below on the number of correct answers you got.

  • Leinster 2019 | BikePack Sunny South East

    Luke GJ Potter and Paul Kane went on a three day Bike Packing Trip around the Sunny South East in late September. To the backdrop of the washed out Road World Championships, Luke recounts their adventures as he journeys to new places to see an old friend.

  • Los Angeles 2017 | Male Pattern Baldness on Mount Baldy

    Luke GJ reports back from his April trip to Mount Baldy and how he became a Powerade connoisseur. Grab a warm beverage, it’s a long one, four thousand words long.

  • Nice 2017 | Nice to see you, to see you Nice

    Luke GJ visited Nice in December, he reports back from the Col de la Madone, Poggio de San Remo and Mario Balotelli.

  • Wallonia 2019 | Belgian Waffle Hype Train - Stop 1

    Luke GJ Potter joined a sortie to Belgium at the end of April. His first goal was to complete Liège-Bastogne-Liège. All Aboard the Hype Train and read about his adventures build up to the first stop; Liège.