With the inaugural Orwell Club Championships fast approaching on January 2nd, a gang of Orwell Wheelers engaged in an epic battle at the Fixx Supercup cross in Kilternan to fine tune their form. Orwell Wheelers was well represented in the three races. Siobhain Duggan reports back on the women's race while Eddie Lynch gives us an insight into the B race. Eric Downey and David Maher represented Orwell well in the A race won by Bray banter legend Sean O'Tuathail.

Siobhain Duggan

Round 4 of the Fixx series took place in Kilternan yesterday and it was also the last race for 2015. It was my fourth ever cyclocross race and second muddy race and I loved it. The work and preparation that is put in each time by the race organisers is incredible from course design to setup to running all the races on time to the inevitable clear up afterwards (all in very muddy conditions). The Fixx popup village appears in a field and makes for a great spectacle for both racers and supporters. The Fixx coffee afterwards is a real treat and thanks to the team for all the organisation. As usual there was a great turnout from Orwell although a few familiar faces were missing.. you know who you are! On the flipside David Maher made an appearance for the first time! As I had been held up previously for not wearing Orwell kit I finally gave in and I was wearing the new Orwell skinsuit, it was warm and comfy, a great piece of kit!

Siobhain on the steps just before a short descent (with thanks to Adrian McLeavey)

A new feature this year, due to the growing numbers of registrations is that each race has a dedicated ladies race. This is a fantastic way for the ladies to get a run at a fairly clean and clear course without the worry of being run over by the faster men although the top placed females would have given most of the men a run for their money! I can highly recommend it for any ladies thinking of giving cyclocross a go! Even some of the triathletes are starting to make the transition to cyclocross.

We had the chance to do a warmup lap where we discovered the new obstacle was in the form of a steep ramp but it actually looked more intimidating than it was. Once the adrenaline was flowing in the race there was no stopping any of us as we flew up and down the ramp. The faster ladies were brought to the front of the field and the bell sent us on our way at 11am. The start of a cyclocross race is always fast and furious and something I still need to practice.

Overall the course had plenty of variety with twists and turns, muddy technical sections in places and some mini hills and the ramp that were fun to go over. We had to run up steps and before we knew it we were on the second lap. The course was fast and a few of us were lapped.. me included, by the very strong Beth McCluskey. The course definitely got muddier with every lap and following the B mens race it was a very different course for the A men. Top Orwells were Breda Horan who finished a fantastic 4th in the Ladies Race, Valdis Andersons who was 14th in the B men (very hard earned) and Eric Downey who finished 10th in a very competitive, very muddy A mens race!

Well done to all who raced

Valdis and Aidan line up for the B race (photograph with thanks to Eric Downey)

Eddie Lynch

I arrived in Kilternan, me and my shiny boots squelched our way over to sign-on (first mistake; everyone wears wellies) in basically 3 inches of mud, the circuit and everything around was, in fact, a giant cow-pat. The first bit I liked about cyclocross was the Fixx Coffee hut; proper coffee! I met Aishling from Orwell and fumbled for just long enough that she ended up buying the coffee. (my round next week!)

Before I started racing (years ago), I imagined that every race started with a Formula One-type charge for the first corner and then went flat out to the finish. Not the case, of course...except with Cyclocross that's exactly what happens. No tactics, don't think, just ride-HARD! And try to stay upright-easier said etc.

Having done the warm-up lap, I realised that -yes, we do have to ride over the bridge, and got ready to go. I consulted with a couple of oracles of Cross, Beth and Michelle, about the course. Was it, as I thought, the most ridiculously technically difficult course ever designed? Actually, it turns out that no..probably the least technical so far, just one notch down from the runway at Dublin Airport so!

Seven laps were announced for us, at least 3 more than I fancied. I plodded my way through the race without falling although stopped a couple of times to clear wodges of muck from my front mech (which was complete waste of time). End of the 5th lap yer man at the start gave me the bell. He may have been giving it to some unseen rider about to lap me, but I didn't care, that bell's got my name on it.

Eddie and John Blennerhassettt during the race (with thanks to Eric Downey)

It's a really sociable atmosphere and the riders are much less shouty than in Open races. Generally a very enjoyable experience and almost looking forward to next week's muckathon in some random ploughed-up field near Punchestown.

Eric Downey and David Maher during the A race (photograph with thanks to Breda Horan )

Fixx Kilternan – Sunday 13th December 2015

Women's results

1 Beth McCluskey
2 Emily Birchall
3 Michelle Geoghegan
4 Breda Horan
10 Sandra Telford
14 Orla Hendron 16 Siobhain Duggan
Monica Marconi

Men's B race results

1 Patrick Santini
2 Peter Rimmer
3 Hugh McMahon
14 Valdis Andersons
35 John Blennerhassett
39 Eddie Lynch 43 Luke GJ Potter
52 Barry Mooney
55 Timothy Goodyer
64 Aidan Collins (DNF)

Men's A race results

1 Sean O Tuathail
2 Robin Seymour
3 David Conroy
10 Eric Downey
37 David Maher

Eric Downey's bike after the race (photo thanks to Eric Downey)