Breda Horan gives us an account of the second round of the Dublin City Cyclocross Race in Kilruddery, Bray. Once again a women's only race was held and Orwell was represented by Naoise and Breda.

Breda Horan 

As I signed on I noticed there were only thirteen women entered in the race, with just myself and Naoise Sheridan representing Orwell. In a bid to get rid of the awful nauseous, pre-race jitters I did a recce of the course with Mary of Bray Wheelers. As we made our way around nothing stood out as being too much of an obstacle. Joined by Michelle we deliberated cycling through a large ditch. Unsure as to whether anyone could cycle through it, we asked some guy who was just behind us to have a go. He didn’t make it so that was our question answered. Coming into the wooded area we met the two Sean’s, organiser and photographer, deciding on where to have the finish line. We decided to do another lap and be back in time for the start.

Breda after the start of the race (photograph with thanks to Sean Rowe)

This week the grid system did not work in my favour. As we took off onto the mushy course I found myself at the very back of the bunch and all the usual favourites were in the lead. Choosing to stick to the slightly dryer surface on the left I just held my own until I knew I could have some space and decent surface to regain some ground. Once out of the mud the course led into a lumpy field and I managed to pass a few of the girls here. I never knew which route would get me through fastest, keep left in the mush or keep right on the firmer grass and have a wider bend to take. After misjudging it wrong twice, left it was. After the grassy field we were into another field with a few drags and then cycle over a hump onto the road. We turned back into the field and with a slight decline the pace could pick up again.

Naoise during the race (photograph thanks to Adrian McLeavey of Irish Cycle Sport)

After the grass we crossed the road onto a very wet and mucky path. Out of this and it was more lumpy ground. I got caught here on two laps for not having enough momentum or jut losing concentration but it was so hard to get going again because I got stuck into another. After remounting after the ditch there was a stretch of road where we could once again try and pick up some speed before a sharp turn into the wooded area. On my third lap I was going head to head with Natalie from Sundrive on this section. She got the better of me but I held on and made my move on the grassy section that followed. Shortly after, I passed Rose, and on the fourth lap I managed to pass Mary before the corn field but still had no idea where I was placed. One of the marshals at the ditch informed me I was in fourth and with Mary still within my view I knew I couldn’t make any more mistakes on the last lap.

Looking forward to the next race I have realised two things, I need to work on my starts and also that when I think I’m going at my max, I’m not. 

DCCX Superleague: Round 2 Killmuddery, Bray (22/11/2015)

1 Maeve O' Grady
2 Michelle Geoghegan
3 Caroline Murphy
4 Breda Horan
5 Mary Dawson
6 Sharon Moore
7 Rose Griffin
8 Pamella Valeria
9 Clare Glanville
10 Naoise Seridan